
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cell Bharat

Cell Bharat

Oscar set to launch new mobile phones in India

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 12:49 AM PDT

Who said the mobile phones coming from India are inferior to the international products? Already there are handsets from Lemon, Olive, Zen, Micromax, Lava, Wynn Telecom in the Indian market. Here's an another entrant – Oscar – a name already familiar in the domestic market in the consumer products. The company is quite known for

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A Juicy launch from Lemon mobile- Dual SIM Android device

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 12:44 AM PDT

Lemon Mobile, an Indian Mobile Manufacturer is planning for a first ever launch of dual SIM Android phone in the country soon. The news came as an official information from the company about this Android based 1.6 handsets which will come with a 400MHz processor, push mail etc. The price tag of the proposed mobile

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